例句 |
mentionedverbpast tense of mention to make reference to or speak about briefly but specificallyyou only mentioned in passing some of your accomplishments adverted (to), cited, dropped, instanced, named, noted, noticed, quoted, referred (to), specified, touched (on or upon) alluded (to), hinted (at), implied, indicated, inferred, intended, intimated, suggestedpointed (out), signaled(or signalled), signifieddenominated, designatedindicatedbroached, brought up, interjected, interpolated, interposed, introducedinfiltrated, insinuated, wormedadvertised, announced, broadcast(also broadcasted), declared, proclaimed, pronounced, publicized, published, soundedclarified, cleared (up), elucidated, explained, explicated, spelled out disregarded, forgot, ignored, neglected, overlooked, overpassed, passed over, slighted to give as an examplementioned several legal precedents in support of her argument adduced, cited, instanced, quoted exemplified, representedadverted (to), illustrated, instanced, named, referred (to), specified, touched (on or upon)bore out, corroborated, documented, substantiated, validatedreferenced, sourced |