例句 |
specificsnounpl. of specific a substance or preparation used to treat diseasequinine is a specific for malaria cures, drugs, medicaments, medications, medicinals, medicines, pharmaceuticals, physics, remedies cure-alls, nostrums, panaceasbotanicals, patent medicines, prescription drugs, prescriptionscordials, potions, tonicsmiracle drugs, wonder drugscaps, capsules, pills, tabletsinjections, shotsembrocations, liniments, lotions, ointments, potions, poultices, salvessyrups(also sirups), tincturesantibiotics, antiseptics, sera(or serums)cathartics, purgatives a single piece of informationalthough the speech was long on rhetoric and platitudinous generalities, it lacked specifics data, details, facts, niceties, particularities, particulars, points articles, itemscomponents, constituents, elements, ingredients, members, partsaspects, circumstances, facets, factorsevidences, exhibitsdatabases, information, knowledges errors, fallacies, falsehoods, inaccuracies, misconceptions, misstatements, myths something that sets apart an individual from others of the same kindthe two submissions differ only in certain specifics affections, attributes, attributions, characteristics, characters, criteria(also criterions), diagnostics, differentiae, features, fingerprints, hallmarks, markers, marks, notes, particularities, peculiarities, points, properties, qualities, stamps, touches, traits badges, indications, signsemblems, symbols, tokenscharms, gracesexcellences, merits, virtueseccentricities, idiosyncrasies, oddities, quirksindividualities, singularities |