例句 |
speechesnounpl. of speech a usually formal discourse delivered to an audiencethe guest of honor gave a short speech in appreciation of the award addresses, declamations, harangues, orations, perorations, talks diatribes, rants, tiradeseulogies, panegyrics, tributeskeynote addresses(or keynote speeches), lectures, salutatorieshomilies, sermonsmonologues(also monologs), soliloquiespitches, presentations, spiels the stock of words, pronunciation, and grammar used by a people as their basic means of communicationwanting to develop a writing system for his people, Sequoya created a system of 86 symbols representing all the syllables of Cherokee speech languages, lingos(or lingoes), mother tongues, tongues, vocabularies acrolectsargots, cants, colloquials, dialects, idiolects, idioms, jargons, parlances, patois, patter, pidgins, slangs, slanguages, vernacularscolloquialisms, localisms, provincialisms, regionalisms, shibboleths, vernacularismsterminologiescoinages, modernisms, neologisms |