例句 |
phasesnounpl. of phase a certain way in which something appears or may be regardedthe moral phase of the problem has yet to be considered angles, aspects, facets, hands, sides airs, appearances, characters, colors, complexions, conditions, faces, looks, semblances, shapes, states, visagesperiods, stages, stepsoutlooks, perspectives, positions, postures, shoes, slants, stances, standpoints, viewpoints, viewsinterpretations, readings, renderings, translations, versionsarticles, cases, components, counts, details, dimensions, elements, factors, instances, items, matters, particulars, parts, points, regards, respects an individual part of a process, series, or rankingin the final phase of production chapters, cuts, degrees, grades, inches, notches, pegs, places, points, stages, steps angles, aspects, facets, sidesamounts, measures, planesdecrements, increments |