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philanthropynoun a gift of money or its equivalent to a charity, humanitarian cause, or public institutionamong the industrialist's philanthropies was a college scholarship fund for deserving students from the inner city alms, benefaction, beneficence, charity, contribution, donation offering, tithebequest, endowment, legacyaid, assistance, dole, handout, relief, welfaregrant, subsidybenevolence, bestowal, largesse(also largess), present, presentation the giving of necessities and especially money to the needymuch dedicated to philanthropy, the industrialist maintains a surprisingly modest lifestyle almsgiving, charity, dole altruism, do-gooding, do-goodism, humanism, humanitarianismbeneficence, benevolence, goodwillalms, benefaction, contribution, donationrelief, welfareendowment, fund, grant, subsidy the quality or state of being generousa society dowager renowned for her philanthropy bigheartedness, bountifulness, bounty, generosity, generousness, largesse(also largess), liberality, munificence, openhandedness, openheartedness, unselfishness beneficence, charity, kindliness, selflessnesskindnessgift, gratuity, lagniappetributeextravagance, improvidence, lavishness, prodigality, wastefulnessspendthriftdissipating, squandering cheapness, closeness, meanness, miserliness, parsimony, penuriousness, pinching, selfishness, stinginess, tightness, ungenerosity conserving, economizing, economy, frugality, husbandry, providence, scrimping, skimping, thriftconservation, savinghusbanding, managingscrapingcutting back ca. 1623 |