例句 |
phrasenoun a sequence of words having a specific meaningkids drawing literal representations of the phrase "to rain cats and dogs" expression, idiom cliché(also cliche)locution, termepithet, expletive, namebyword, cry, motto, shibboleth, slogan, watchwordarchaism, colloquialism, euphemism, modernism, neologism, provincialism, vulgarism figure of speech phraseverbto convey in appropriate or telling termshe had trouble thinking of how to phrase his question for the visiting dignitary articulate, clothe, couch, express, formulate, put, say, state, word craft, framehint, imply, insinuate, intimate, suggestparaphrase, rephrase, restate, reword, summarize, translatecommunicate, disclose, speak, talk, tell, utter, verbalize, vocalizedescribe, render, write up in 1530 |