例句 |
pick-me-upsnounpl. of pick-me-up something (such as a drink) that makes you feel better and more livelyCoffee is my usual morning pick-me-up. I could really use a pick-me-up after the day I just had. hands, liftsadvantages, aids, assets, benefits, boons, help, pluses(also plusses)boosts, encouragements, goads, impetuses, incentives, incitations, incitements, instigations, momenta(or momentums), motivations, provocations, spurs, stimulants, stimuli, yeastsinducementscatalysts, catalyzers, energizers, fuels, refreshers, sparkssupports, sustenances constraints, inhibitors, liabilities, obstacles, obstructions, restraints, strangleholdscounterincentives(or counter-incentives), disincentivesdisadvantages, drawbacks, encumbrances, hindrances, impediments, minuses |