例句 |
contractsnounpl. of contract a formal agreement to fulfill an obligationaccused her of breaking their contract by not completing the decorating job on budget bonds, covenants, deals, guarantees, guaranties, sureties, warranties oaths, pledges, troths, vows, wordsaccords, bargains, compacts, concordats, conventions, pacts, treatiesassurances, insurances, sealsbails, deposits, pawns, securities an arrangement about action to be takena contract outlining what needed to be done by each person accords, agreements, bargains, compacts, conventions, covenants, deals, dispositions, pacts, settlements, understandings charters, treatiesbinders, pledges, promisesalliances, associations, entente cordiales, ententes, leagues, partnershipsacceptances, approvals, assents, concurrences, consents, OKs(or okays) contractsverbpresent tense third-person singular of contractto become affected with (a disease or disorder)before vaccines were invented, people lived in fear of contracting polio catches, comes down (with), gets, goes down (with)(chiefly British), sickens (with), takes breaks out (with)dies (from), succumbs (to)fails, languishes, sinks, wastes (away), weakens, wilts, withers, worsens comes back, gains, heals, mends, recoups, recovers, recuperates, snaps backrallies, rebounds, recovers (from), shakes (off) to become smaller in size or volume through the drawing together of particles of mattermetal contracts at low temperatures compresses, condenses, constricts, shrinks collapses, deflates, flattensdries up, shrivels, wilts, withersabates, decreases, diminishes, dwindles, lessensrecedes, retreats, withdraws balloons, expands, snowballs, swells accumulates, grows, increasesballoons, inflates, puffs (up) to reduce in size or volume by or as if by pressing parts or members togethercontract the calf muscles in your legs capsules, capsulizes, collapses, compacts, compresses, condenses, constricts, constringes, narrows (down), squeezes, telescopes crams, crowds, jam-packs, jams, packsabbreviates, abridges, curtails, shortensboils down, downsizes, shrinksconcentrates, consolidatessimplifies, streamlinesdecreases, diminishes, lessens decompresses, expands, opens, outspreads, outstretches dilates, disperses, dissipates, scattersdistends, inflates, swells to come to an arrangement as to a course of actionthe farmer contracted for delivery of the hay by the first of July agrees, bargains, covenants comes around, comes roundsubscribes, underwritesarranges, settles comes to terms, strikes a bargain disagrees differs, dissentscancels, reneges, revokesargues, contests, disputes, objects |