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conversenoun talking or a talk between two or more peopleideally, the college classroom should be a place of intellectual converse between student and teacher chat, colloquy, conversation, dialogue(also dialog), discourse, discussion, exchange banter, chaff, cross fire, give-and-take, persiflage, raillery, reparteeconference, parley, powwow(informal, now offensive)babble, chatter, chin-wag(slang), chitchat, confabulation, gabfest, gossip, natter(chiefly British), palaver, prate, prattle, rap, small talk, table talkround-robin, roundtable, symposiumdebate, deliberation converseverbto engage in casual or rambling conversationjurors are not allowed to converse while the attorneys go off to one side to confer with the judge babble, blab, cackle, chaffer(British), chat, chatter, chin(slang), gab, gabble, gas, jabber, jaw, kibitz(also kibbitz), natter, palaver, patter, prate, prattle, rap, rattle, run on, schmooze(or shmooze), talk, twitter, visit gossip, tattledescant, discuss, expatiateyak(also yack), yammer, yap blow smoke, chew the fat(also chew the rag), shoot the breeze, talk a blue streak in the 15th century |