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hot airnoun boastful speech or writinghis taking credit for the rescue was mostly hot air, since the boat was actually saved by the Coast Guard bluster, bombast, brag, braggadocio, bull(slang), cockalorum, fanfaronade, gas, gasconade, grandiloquence, magniloquence, rant, rodomontade(also rhodomontade) oratory, rhapsody, rhetoricpomposity, turgidity, windbloviation, verbosity, windinessbabble, blab, chatter, drivel, gabble, gibber, gibberish, jabber, prattlejawing, patter, prating, yammeringegotism, self-conceit, self-importance, swagger, vaunt language that is impressive-sounding but not meaningful or sincereher campaign promise to "fight for the people" showed a taste for stale hot air bombast, fustian, gas, grandiloquence, oratory, rhetoric, verbiage, wind claptrap, drivel, gibberish, hogwash, humbug, jabberwocky, jazz, moonshine, nonsenseaffectedness, floweriness, grandiosity, loftiness, pomposity, pretension, pretentiousnessgarrulity, garrulousness, verboseness, verbosity, windiness, wordiness in 1873 |