例句 |
humanitynoun human beings in generalall humanity can learn from this tragedy folks, humankind, people, public, species, world community, societycrowd, masses, mob, populace, proletariat, rabble, rabblement, riffraff the capacity for feeling for another's unhappiness or misfortunea country known for the humanity of its liberal immigration policy bigheartedness, charity, commiseration, compassion, feeling, good-heartedness, heart, kindheartedness, kindliness, kindness, largeheartedness, mercy, pity, ruth, softheartedness, sympathy, warmheartedness feelings, responsiveness, sensibility, sensitivityaffection, love, regardaffinity, empathy, rapportaltruism, benevolence, benignancy, benignity, generosity, goodwill, humaneness, humanism, humanitarianism, philanthropy coldheartedness, hard-heartedness, inhumanity, inhumanness, mercilessness, pitilessness callousness, coldness, disinterest, indifference, unconcerncruelty, harshnessanimosity, antipathy, dislike, hatred, hostility the human racein Greek mythology, the gods display many of the weaknesses of humanity, such as jealousy, foolishness, and greed Homo sapiens, humankind, man, mankind being, body, creature, fellowman, human, individual, mortal, party, person in the 14th century |