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humorsnounpl. of humor humorous entertainmenta screenwriter best known for lowbrow humor comedies, farces, slapsticks high comedies, low comediesburlesques, parodies, satiresimprovs, stand-upsbanters, drolleries, persiflages, witsfooleries, fun, horseplays, knockabouts, monkeyshines, shenanigans a state of mind dominated by a particular emotionthe prospect of going out to dinner put her in a good humor all day cheers, feathers, modes, moods, spirits, tempers angles, attitudes, mind-sets, outlooks, perspectives, slants, standpoints, viewpointsemotions, feelings, hearts, passions, sentimentsstrainsbeliefs, convictions, judgments(or judgements), minds, opinionsexpressions, tones, veinscharacters, dispositions, identities, individualities, makeups, mettles, personalities, selfhoods, self-identities, temperaments, temperssensibilities, sensitivities frames of mind a sudden impulsive and apparently unmotivated idea or actionshe was seized by a sudden humor to contact an old college friend that she hadn't seen in ages bees, caprices, cranks, fancies, freaks, kinks, maggots, megrims, notions, vagaries, vagrancies, whims, whimsies(also whimseys) fantasies(also phantasies), impetuosities, whimsicalitiesconceitsconceptions, concepts, images, impressions, mind's eyes, pictures, thoughtsbrainstorms, inspirations bees in one's bonnet humorsverbpresent tense third-person singular of humorto give in to (a desire)humored her grandfather by listening to his war stories for the hundredth time caters (to), gratifies, indulges basks, luxuriates, revels, wallowscoddles, mollycoddles, pampers, spoilsdelights, pleases, pleasuressates, satiates, satisfies bridles, checks, constrains, curbs, inhibits, restrains, stifles |