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humsnounpl. of hum a monotonous sound like that of an insect in motionwe heard the hum of an outboard motor and a few minutes later the small craft came into sight burrs, buzzes, chirrs, churrs, drones, purrs, thrums, whirs(also whirrs), whizzes, zooms babbles, coos, gasps, gurgles, hisses, moans, murmurs, rustles, sighs, suspirations, susurrations, susurruses, whisperswhishes, zings, zips bawls, howls, roars, screams, screeches, shrieks, squalls, squeals, yells, yelps humsverbpresent tense third-person singular of humto be copiously suppliedone restaurant was humming with diners, while a neighboring eatery was practically empty abounds, brims, bristles, bulges, bursts, bustles, buzzes, crawls, overflows, pullulates, swarms, teems lacks, needs, wants to fly, turn, or move rapidly with a fluttering or vibratory sounda helicopter hummed overhead bumbles, burrs, buzzes, drones, whirs(also whirrs), whishes, whizzes, zips, zooms chirrs, churrsthrumsfizzes, hisses, murmurs, purrs, rustles, sighs, sizzles, swishes, whisperscoos, currswheezes, whistles, whooshes |