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wordsnounpl. of word a pronounceable series of letters having a distinct meaning especially in a particular fieldmy doctor used all of these medical words that I didn't understand expressions, terms linguistic forms, monosyllables, morphemes, speech formspolysyllablescollocations, idioms, locutions, phrasesarchaisms, coinages, colloquialisms, euphemisms, loanwords, modernisms, neologisms, vernacularisms something that is saidpeople who believe that the Bible is the literal word of God statements, utterances communications, messagesannouncements, declamations, declarations, manifestos(or manifestoes), proclamations, pronouncementsverbalizations, vocalizations a person's solemn declaration that he or she will do or not do somethingI give you my word that I won't try to escape oaths, pledges, promises, troths, vows appointments, arrangements, commitments, engagements, obligationsagreements, compacts, contracts, covenantsassurances, guarantees, guaranties, undertakingsbails, bonds, deposits, gages, pawns, securities, tokens, warranties a statement of what to do that must be obeyed by those concernedthe troops waited for their commanding officer to give the word behests, charges, commandments, commands, decrees, dictates, directions, directives, dos(or do's), edicts, imperatives, injunctions, instructions, orders demands, requirementsmandatescountermands, counterorders(or counter-orders)laws, precepts, prescriptions, prescripts, rulesordinances, regulations, statutes appeals, entreaties, petitions, pleas, urgingsproposals, recommendations, suggestions a word or phrase that must be spoken by a person in order to pass a guard"What's the word?" demanded the sentry countersigns, passwords, watchwords shibboleths, signssignalshints, indicationsparoles an often stated observation regarding something from common experienceare there truer words than "never look a gift horse in the mouth"? adages, aphorisms, apothegms, bywords, epigrams, maxims, proverbs, saws, sayings, sententiae bromides, clichés(also cliches), commonplaces, platitudes, wheezesexpressions, felicitiesaxioms, mottoes(also mottos), precepts, truisms, truthsformulas(or formulae)comments, notes, reflections, remarks wordsverbpresent tense third-person singular of wordto convey in appropriate or telling termstried to word the declaration exactly right articulates, clothes, couches, expresses, formulates, phrases, puts, says, states crafts, frameshints, implies, insinuates, intimates, suggestsparaphrases, rephrases, restates, rewords, summarizes, translatescommunicates, discloses, speaks, talks, tells, utters, verbalizes, vocalizesdescribes, renders, writes up |