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workadayadjective being of the type that is encountered in the normal course of eventsjust a workaday guy living a workaday life average, common, commonplace, cut-and-dried(also cut-and-dry), everyday, garden-variety, normal, ordinary, prosaic, routine, run-of-the-mill, standard, standard-issue, unexceptional, unremarkable, usual regular, typical, unextraordinaryfamiliar, homely, plain, plain-Jane, popular, vulgarnaturalcustomary, wontedinsignificant, trivial, unimportantfrequent, habitualexpected, predictable par for the course abnormal, exceptional, extraordinary, odd, out-of-the-way, strange, unusual curious, funny, peculiar, quaint, queeraberrant, anomalous, atypical, irregular, untypicalrare, recherché, scarcefantastic(also fantastical), phenomenalbizarre, far-out, Kafkaesque, outrageous, outré, wacky(also whacky), way-out, weird, wildeccentric, idiosyncratic, kooky(also kookie), nonconformist, oddball, offbeat, unconventional, unorthodoxfreak, freakishconspicuous, notable, novel, outstanding, prominent, salient, signal, striking, unexampled, unprecedentedsingular, unique, unparalleled having to do with the practical details of regular lifeworkaday matters such as cooking, cleaning, and grocery shopping everyday, mundane, nitty-gritty, prosaic, terrestrial earthly, temporal, worldlyaverage, common, commonplace, customary, familiar, garden, generic, normal, ordinary, plain, popular, routine, run-of-the-mill, run-of-the-mine(or run-of-mine), standard, typical, unexceptional, unremarkable, usualfrequent, habitual, regularexpected, predictable high-minded, lofty, noble, sublimeaberrant, abnormal, atypicalexceptional, extraordinary, freak, peculiar, phenomenal, rare, singular, special, uncommon, uncustomary, unique, unusual, unwontedbizarre, curious, far-out, funny, odd, outlandish, out-of-the-way, outré, quaint, quirky, remarkable, screwy, strange, weird, wild not designed to be worn only on special occasionsa workaday outfit that I could afford to get dirty casual, everyday, informal dégagé, relaxed, sportydressed downshabby, sloppy, slovenly, unkempt dressy, formal, noncasual best, Sundaydressed upchic, elegant, fashionable, smart, stylishneat, tidy, trimsemiformal in 1554 |