例句 |
convictionsnounpl. of conviction an idea that is believed to be true or valid without positive knowledgeheld deep convictions about life after death beliefs, eyes, feelings, judgments(or judgements), minds, notions, opinions, persuasions, sentiments, verdicts, views saysimpressions, perceptions, takesattitudesassumptions, presumptions, presuppositionsconclusions, decisions, determinationsdeliverances, esteems, estimates, estimationscredences, credits, faithsconceptions, concepts, ideas, thoughtspositions, stances, standscomments, obiter dicta, observations, reflections, remarksconjectures, guesses, hunches, hypotheses, surmises, theoriesadvice, inputs, recommendations, suggestionsangles, outlooks, perspectives, shoes, slants, standpoints, viewpointscounterviews facts, truths |