

单词 convoke
例句 convokeverb

to bring together in assembly by or as if by commandconvoked the leading experts on juvenile delinquency to study the situation

assemble, call, convene, muster, summon

rallycall in, call out, call up, knellamass, collect, gather, group, round upreassemble, reconvene

break up, dissolve

summon, call, cite, convoke, convene, muster mean to demand the presence of.summon implies the exercise of authority.was summoned to answer chargescall may be used less formally for summon.called the legislature into special sessioncite implies a summoning to court usually to answer a charge.cited for drunken drivingconvoke implies a summons to assemble for deliberative or legislative purposes.convoked a Vatican councilconvene is somewhat less formal than convoke.convened the studentsmuster suggests a calling up of a number of things that form a group in order that they may be exhibited, displayed, or utilized as a whole.mustered the troops

in 1598





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