

单词 copies
例句 copiesnounpl. of copy

something that is made to look exactly like something elsea copy of the famous painting "Washington Crossing the Delaware"

carbon copies, carbons, clones, dummies, dupes, duplicates, duplications, facsimiles, imitations, mocks, reduplications, replicas, replications, reproductions

counterfeits, fakes, forgeries, knockoffs, phonies(also phoneys), rip-offs, rubber stamps, shamsminiatures, mock-ups, simulationsreconstructions, re-creationsimages, likenesses, semblances, shadowsimpressions, imprints, printsapproximations, reincarnations, versionsextras, reserves, spares

archetypes, originals, prototypes

copiesverbpresent tense third-person singular of copy

to make an exact likeness offor the movie, set designers copied the Oval Office in the White House down to the smallest detail

clones, copycats, duplicates, imitates, reduplicates, renders, replicates, reproduces

counterfeits, fakes, forges, knocks off, rips offmimics, simulatesreconstructs, re-creates


creates, imagines, initiates, invents

to use (someone or something) as the model for one's speech, mannerisms, or behaviorshe shamelessly copies her idol's hairstyle and fashion choices

apes, copycats, emulates, imitates, mimes, mimics

dittos, echoes, reechos, repeatsburlesques, caricatures, lampoons, mocks, parodies, travestiesimpersonates, performs, playspantomimes





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