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cornernoun a difficult, puzzling, or embarrassing situation from which there is no easy escapethe writers have gotten themselves into a corner on that TV show bind, box, catch-22, dilemma, fix, hole, impasse, jackpot(chiefly West), jam, mire, pickle, predicament, quagmire, rabbit hole, rattrap, spot, sticky wicket, swamp difficulty, nodehot water, souppinch, plight, quandary, scrape, troubledeadlock, halt, logjam, stalemate, standstillclutch, crisis, crossroad, emergency, exigency, juncture, strait kettle of fish a place where roads meetwe'll meet at the corner tomorrow carrefour, crossing, crossroad, crossway(s), intersection, junction cloverleaf, interchange, overpass, underpasscircle, rotary, roundabout(British), traffic circle a point in a chain of events at which an important change (as in one's fortunes) occursthe president believes that we have turned a corner in the war on drugs climacteric, climax, landmark, milepost, milestone, turning point, watershed break, capper, clincher, crusher, highlight, topperconversion, metamorphosis, transfiguration, transformation, turnabout, turnaroundboiling point, breaking point, clutch, conjuncture, crisis, crossroad(s), crunch, crunch time, Dunkirk, emergency, exigency, extremity, flash point, head, juncture, zero hour in the 13th century |