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methodnoun the means or procedure for doing somethingthe city council is stuck in the last century and needs to adopt more modern methods for doing things approach, fashion, form, how, manner, methodology, recipe, strategy, style, system, tack, tactics, technique, way mode, modus operandiblueprint, design, game, game plan, ground plan, intrigue, layout, line, model, plan, plot, program, route, schemeexpedient, move, shift, steppractice(also practise), process, routinepolicy method, mode, manner, way, fashion, system mean the means taken or procedure followed in achieving an end.method implies an orderly logical arrangement usually in steps.effective teaching methods mode implies an order or course followed by custom, tradition, or personal preference.the preferred mode of transportation manner is close to mode but may imply a procedure or method that is individual or distinctive.an odd manner of conducting way is very general and may be used for any of the preceding words.has her own way of doing things fashion may suggest a peculiar or characteristic way of doing something.rushing about in his typical fashion system suggests a fully developed or carefully formulated method often emphasizing rational orderliness.a filing system in the 15th century |