例句 |
methodologiesnounpl. of methodology a way of acting or proceedingfor solving crossword puzzles my usual methodology is to begin by filling in all of the answers I'm reasonably sure of courses, lines, policies, procedures, programs blueprints, designs, plans, schemes, strategiesintentions, intents, purposesapproaches, directions, methods, paths, pathways, tacks the means or procedure for doing somethingother cardiologists have questioned the methodology that was used to conduct the study approaches, fashions, forms, hows, manners, methods, recipes, strategies, styles, systems, tacks, tactics, techniques, ways modes, modi operandiblueprints, designs, game plans, games, ground plans, intrigues, layouts, lines, models, plans, plots, programs, routes, schemesexpedients, moves, shifts, stepspractices(also practises), processes, routinespolicies |