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pilotadjective made or done as an experimenta new pilot program to train inner-city residents for jobs in the tech sector developmental, experimental, trial exploratory, investigative, probativepreliminary, preparatory, provisional, temporary, tentativeconjectural, hypothetical, speculative, theoretical(also theoretic)untested, untriedunproved, unproven accepted, established, standardtested, triedadvanced, developedproved, provenconclusive, decisive, definitive, final, permanent pilotnounone who flies or is qualified to fly an aircraft or spacecraftthe airline is seeking experienced pilots to fly the new airplane pilotverbto give advice and instruction to (someone) regarding the course or process to be followedpiloted the figure skater through the national championships coach, counsel, guide, lead, mentor, shepherd, show, tutor godfatherdirect, engineer, steer, swayaccompany, attend, chaperone(or chaperon), convoy, escort, see, squireoversee, superintend, supervisedrill, trainbrief, enlighten, informinstruct, school, teachinculcate, indoctrinatecultivate, foster, nurture walk through to point out the way for (someone) especially from a position in frontthe lead rider piloted the rest of the team conduct, direct, guide, lead, marshal(also marshall), route, show, steer, usher precedeaccompany, attend, chaperone(or chaperon), convoy, escort, seecontrol, manage follow, trail dog, hound, shadow, tail, tailgate to operate or control the course ofmanaged to pilot the plane to safety despite the failure of the left engine conn(also con), helm, navigate, steer commandeer, hijack(also highjack) v.guide, lead, steer, pilot, engineer mean to direct in a course or show the way to be followed.guide implies intimate knowledge of the way and of all its difficulties and dangers.guided the scouts through the cave lead implies showing the way and often keeping those that follow under control and in order.led his team to victory steer implies an ability to keep to a course and stresses the capacity of maneuvering correctly.steered the ship through a narrow channel pilot suggests guidance over a dangerous or complicated course.piloted the bill through the Senate engineer implies finding ways to avoid or overcome difficulties in achieving an end or carrying out a plan.engineered his son's election to the governorship in the 15th century |