例句 |
piousnessnoun the pretending of having virtues, principles, or beliefs that one in fact does not havean outward piousness that was just a ploy to get him the support of religious-minded voters cant, dissembling, dissimulation, hypocrisy, insincerity deceit, deceitfulness, deception, deceptiveness, dishonesty, double-dealing, falsity, perfidy, two-facednessaffectation, affectedness, pretense(or pretence), pretension, pretentiousness, sanctimoniousness, self-righteousness, self-satisfactionduplicity, fakery, falseness, fraudulentness, shammingartificiality, glibness, oiliness, smoothness, unctuousness genuineness, sincereness, sincerity candor, directness, forthrightness, frankness, honesty, openheartedness, openness, probity, straightforwardness, truthfulnessartlessness, guilelessness, naturalness, unaffectedness the quality or state of being spiritually pure or virtuousthe piousness with which he lived every aspect of his life was an inspiration to the other monks at the abbey blessedness, devoutness, godliness, holiness, piety, sainthood, saintliness, saintship, sanctity asceticism, devotion, morality, prayerfulness, religiousness, spiritualitypriestlinessgoodness, rectitude, righteousness, uprightness, virtue, virtuousnessconsecration, sacredness godlessness, impiety, ungodliness, unholiness blasphemousness, irreverence, sacrilegiousnessdepravedness, depravity, evilness, heinousness, monstrosity, sinfulness, vileness, wickednesshypocrisy, sanctimoniousness, sanctimony |