

单词 pique
例句 piquenoun

the feeling of being offended or resentful after a slight or indignityin a fit of pique she posted embarrassing photos of her ex-boyfriend on the Internet

dudgeon, huff, miff, offense(or offence), peeve, resentment, umbrage

aggravation, anger, annoyance, bother, botheration, discomfort, exasperation, frustration, grief, irritation, vexationagitation, angriness, displeasure, distress, disturbance, indignation, irateness, ire, outrage, perturbation, upsetdander, temperfit, pet, pouts, sulk(s), tantrum, tizzyaffront, barb, brickbat, dig, indignity, insult, put-down, slap, slight, slur

satisfactionappeasement, mollification, pacificationcontentment, delight, gratification, happiness, pleasure


to disturb the peace of mind of (someone) especially by repeated disagreeable actsher seat companion piqued her by repeatedly poking her in the ribs

aggravate, annoy, bother, bug, burn (up), chafe, eat, exasperate, frost, gall, get, grate, gripe, hack (off), irk, irritate, itch, nark(British), nettle, peeve, persecute, put out, rasp, rile, ruffle, spite, vex

hassle, hecklenaginflame(also enflame), provoke, rousebadger, bait, bullyrag(also ballyrag), devil, hagride, harass, harry, pester, plague, teaseanger, antagonize, enrage, incense, infuriate, madden, rankle, roilagitate, discomfort, discompose, disquiet, distress, exercise, freak (out), fret, perturb, undo, unhinge, unsettle, upset, worryaffront, insult, miff, offend, outrage

get one's goat, get on one's nerves, get to, rub the wrong way, set one's teeth on edge, stick in one's craw, wear on

appease, conciliate, mollify, oblige, pacify, placate, propitiatedelight, gladden, gratify, please, satisfyassure, cheer, comfort, console, content, quiet, reassure, solace, soothe

to rouse to strong feeling or actiontheir sarcastic comments piqued him to respond in kind

arouse, encourage, excite, fire (up), impassion, incite, instigate, move, provoke, rev (up), spark, stimulate, stir

fan, ignite, inflame(also enflame), kindle, triggeractivate, animate, drive, energize, galvanize, induce, inspire, key (up), motivate, motive, pump up, quicken, set off, vitalizeabet, ferment, foment, raise, whip (up)anger, enrage, madden, upsetjeer, taunt, teaseaggravate, annoy, bother, exasperate, gall, get, irritate, vex

build a fire under

calm, soothe, subdue, tranquilize(also tranquillize)appease, mollify, pacify, placate

to think highly of (oneself)she piques herself on her considerable musical abilities

flatter, plume, pride

boast, brag, crow, gasconade, swagger, swank, swash, vapor, vauntcongratulate, felicitate

n.offense, resentment, umbrage, pique, dudgeon, huff mean an emotional response to or an emotional state resulting from a slight or indignity.offense implies hurt displeasure.takes deep offense at racial slursresentment suggests lasting indignation or ill will.harbored a lifelong resentment of his brotherumbrage may suggest hurt pride, resentment, or suspicion of another's motives.took umbrage at the offer of advicepique applies to a transient feeling of wounded vanity.in a pique I foolishly declined the invitationdudgeon suggests an angry fit of indignation.stormed out of the meeting in high dudgeonhuff implies a peevish short-lived spell of anger usually at a petty cause.in a huff he slammed the door

v.provoke, excite, stimulate, pique, quicken mean to arouse as if by pricking.provoke directs attention to the response called forth.my stories usually provoke laughterexcite implies a stirring up or moving profoundly.news that excited anger and frustrationstimulate suggests a rousing out of lethargy, quiescence, or indifference.stimulating conversationpique suggests stimulating by mild irritation or challenge.that remark piqued my interestquicken implies beneficially stimulating and making active or lively.the high salary quickened her desire to have the job

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