例句 |
spitefulnessnoun the desire to cause pain for the satisfaction of doing harmcut down their neighbors' tree out of sheer spitefulness cattiness, despite, hatefulness, malevolence, malice, maliciousness, malignance, malignancy, malignity, meanness, nastiness, spite, spleen, venom, viciousness abusiveness, crueltyabhorrence, abomination, execration, hate, hatred, loathinganimosity, antagonism, antipathy, bitterness, enmity, grudge, hostility, ill will, jaundice, mean-spiritedness, rancor, resentmentdespicableness, invidiousnessvengefulness, vindictivenessaversion, disgust, distaste, horror, repugnance, repulsion, revulsionbitchery, bitchiness, contempt, disdainjealousy, pique, resentment, scornbile, rancor, virulence, vitriol devotion, love, passionamiability, amicability, amity, civility, cordiality, friendliness, hospitalityadoration, ardor, infatuation, veneration, worshipaffection, charity, kindliness, kindnesscomity, empathy, friendship, goodwill, sympathy, understanding |