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spleennoun an intense emotional state of displeasure with someone or somethingvented her spleen and felt much better for having done so anger, angriness, birse(chiefly Scottish), choler, furor, fury, indignation, irateness, ire, lividity, lividness, mad, madness, mood(archaic), outrage, rage, wrath, wrathfulness aggravation, annoyance, exasperation, irritation, vexationacrimoniousness, acrimony, animosity, antagonism, antipathy, bile, biliousness, bitterness, contempt, embitterment, empoisonment, enmity, grudge, hostility, rancorenvy, jaundice, jealousy, pique, resentmentmalevolence, malice, spite, vengefulness, venom, vindictiveness, virulence, vitriolbelligerence, contentiousness, contrariness, crankiness, disputatiousness, hot-headedness, irascibility, irascibleness, irritability, orneriness, pugnaciousness, pugnacity, quarrelsomeness, querulousnessblowup, flare, flare-up, outburstchafe, dander, dudgeon, huff, pet, rise, ruffle, temperair rage, road ragedelirium, heat, passion, warmth slow burn delight, pleasure calmness, forbearance, patience the desire to cause pain for the satisfaction of doing harmthe bill's failure to pass in the legislature was due to nothing more than partisan spleen cattiness, despite, hatefulness, malevolence, malice, maliciousness, malignance, malignancy, malignity, meanness, nastiness, spite, spitefulness, venom, viciousness abusiveness, crueltyabhorrence, abomination, execration, hate, hatred, loathinganimosity, antagonism, antipathy, bitterness, enmity, grudge, hostility, ill will, jaundice, mean-spiritedness, rancor, resentmentdespicableness, invidiousnessvengefulness, vindictivenessaversion, disgust, distaste, horror, repugnance, repulsion, revulsionbitchery, bitchiness, contempt, disdainjealousy, pique, resentment, scornbile, rancor, virulence, vitriol devotion, love, passionamiability, amicability, amity, civility, cordiality, friendliness, hospitalityadoration, ardor, infatuation, veneration, worshipaffection, charity, kindliness, kindnesscomity, empathy, friendship, goodwill, sympathy, understanding malice, malevolence, ill will, spite, malignity, spleen, grudge mean the desire to see another experience pain, injury, or distress.malice implies a deep-seated often unexplainable desire to see another suffer.felt no malice toward their former enemies malevolence suggests a bitter persistent hatred that is likely to be expressed in malicious conduct.a look of dark malevolence ill will implies a feeling of antipathy of limited duration.ill will provoked by a careless remark spite implies petty feelings of envy and resentment that are often expressed in small harassments.petty insults inspired by spite malignity implies deep passion and relentlessness.a life consumed by motiveless malignity spleen suggests the wrathful release of latent spite or persistent malice.venting his spleen against politicians grudge implies a harbored feeling of resentment or ill will that seeks satisfaction.never one to harbor a grudge in the 14th century |