例句 |
splendornoun impressiveness of beauty on a large scalethe splendor of the ancient monument awed us into silence augustness, brilliance, gloriousness, glory, gorgeousness, grandeur, grandness, magnificence, majesty, nobility, nobleness, resplendence, resplendency, splendidness, splendiferousness, stateliness, stupendousness, sublimeness, superbness awesomeness, formidability, marvelousness, wonderfulness, wondrousnessdignity, elegance, gracelavishness, luxuriance, luxuriousness, luxury, opulence, princeliness, richness, sumptuousnessgrandiosity, ostentation, pretentiousnesselaborateness, flashiness, gaudiness, ornateness, poshness, ritziness, showiness, swankinessextraordinariness, remarkableness the quality or state of having or giving off lightthe splendor of the huge diamond can scarcely be described brightness, brilliance, brilliancy, candor, dazzle, effulgence, illumination, lambency, lightness, luminance, luminosity, luminousness, luster(or lustre), lustrousness, radiance, refulgence blaze, flare, flash, flicker, lightfluorescence, incandescence, luminescenceburnish, gloss, polish, sheen, shine, shininessfire, flame, glare, glowflash, gleam, glimmer, glint, glisten, glitter, scintillation, shimmer, sparkle, twinkle blackness, dark, darkness, dullness(also dulness), duskiness dimness, gloominess, sombernesscloudiness, haziness, murkiness, obscureness, obscuritycolorlessness, grayness, lackluster, paleness, shadiness, shadowiness something extraordinary or surprisingsome of the many splendors of the reign of Tutankhamen are on display in this new travelling exhibition caution, flash, marvel, miracle, phenomenon, portent, prodigy, sensation, wonder curiosity, sight, spectaclebeauty, corker, crackerjack(also crackajack), dandy, jim-dandy, knockoutapparition, appearance in the 15th century |