例句 |
splintersnounpl. of splinter a small flat piece separated from a wholeshe got a splinter from the unfinished wall chips, flakes, slivers, spalls, splints bits, disks(or discs), fragments, particles, parts, portions, scraps, sections, shardsflinders, shivers, smithereensshreds, tattersclippings, parings, shaves, shavings, snippetsleaves(also leafs), sheets, slices chunks, hunks, lumps, slabs splintersverbpresent tense third-person singular of splinterto cut into long slender piecessplintered the carrots into little sticks slices, slivers chips, chops, dices, hashes, juliennes, mincessaws, scissorscleaves, rives, splitsgashes, incises, rips, slashes, slits |