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splotchnoun a small area that is different (as in color) from the main partthe bleach left a small white splotch on my shirt blotch, dapple, dot, eyespot, fleck, mottle, patch, pip, point, speck, speckle, spot birthmark, freckle, moleblob, blot, mark, smear, smudge, smutch, stainspatter, splashpolka dot splotchverbto mark with small spots especially unevenlyink from a leaking pen had badly splotched his shirt pocket blotch, dapple, dot, fleck, freckle, marble, mottle, pepper, shoot, speck, speckle, spot, sprinkle, stipple blot, dye, stainband, bar, streak, stripeintersperse, set, studbespatter, spatter in 1601 |