

单词 hurts
例句 hurtsnounpl. of hurt

a state of great suffering of body or mindin her hurt she said a lot of things to her boyfriend that she didn't really mean

afflictions, agonies, anguishes, distresses, excruciations, miseries, pains, racks, straits, torments, tortures, travails, tribulations, woes

discomfortscrosses, crucibles, trialsheartaches, heartbreaks, sorrowsemergencies, pinchesasperities, difficulties, hardships, rigorsaches, pangs, stitches, throes, twingesdangers, jeopardies, troubles

comforts, consolations, solacesalleviations, assuagements, eases, reliefspeaces, securitieswell-beings

something that causes loss or paina totally baseless accusation that caused lasting hurt to his reputation

afflictions, damages, detriments, harms, injuries

disservices, injustices, outrages, wrongsaffronts, darts, indignities, insults, offenses(or offences)beatings, mayhem, mutilationsdefacements, disabilities, disablements, disfigurements, impairmentslesionsruptures, strainsabrasions, chafes, scrapes, scratchesboo-boos, bruises, contusions, swellings, woundsbumps, concussionscuts, gashes, lacerationsburns, scalds, scars, scathes, sears

recoveriescures, fixes, remedies

hurtsverbpresent tense third-person singular of hurt

to feel or cause physical painmy head hurtsa bad sprain that really hurtsI hurt all over

aches, pains, smarts

bites, bleeds, burns, chafes, cramps, festers, itches, nags, pinches, pounds, racks, stings, swells, throbs, tingles, twingesagonizes, anguishes, suffersafflicts, harrows, torments, tortures

to reduce the soundness, effectiveness, or perfection ofdon't worry that you'll hurt the new lawn by walking across it

blemishes, bloodies, breaks, compromises, crabs, cripples, crosses (up), damages, defaces, disfigures, endamages, flaws, harms, impairs, injures, mars, spoils, vitiates

deteriorates, enervates, enfeebles, undermines, weakenserodes, scours, washes out, wears (away)blights, tarnishesdents, dings, dintsbotches, gums (up), queerslacerates, woundsdisables, hamstrings, lames, maims, mangles, mutilates, torments, torturesannihilates, bangs up, bashes, batters, clobbers, crushes, dashes, decimates, demolishes, desolates, destroys, devastates, does in, pulverizes, razes, ruins, scourges, shatters, smashes, tears down, totals, wastes, wipes out, wrecks

doctors, fixes, mends, patches, rebuilds, reconditions, reconstructs, renovates, repairs, revamps

cures, heals, helps, rectifies, rehabilitates, remediesedits, remodels, revisesameliorates, betters, enhances, enriches, improves, meliorates, perfects, refines

to cause bodily damage tothe common belief that reading in poor light hurts your eyes

damages, harms, injures, wounds

batters, bloodies, blows out, bruises, contuses, cuts, gashes, gores, lacerates, scalds, scars, scathes, strains, tearscreases, grazes, nickscripples, hamstrings, lames, maims, mangles, mutilatesabuses, afflicts, aggrieves, maltreats, torments, tortureslays upblemishes, impairs, mars, scrapes, spoils

cures, fixes, heals, mends, remedies

to feel deep sadness or mental painI know you must be hurting from the cruel words they said

agonizes, anguishes, bleeds, grieves, mourns, sorrows, suffers

aches, longs (for), pines (away), sighs, smartsracks, torments, torturesbemoans, bewails, deplores, laments, ruesbawls, blubbers, cries, groans, howls, keens, moans, sobs, takes on, wails, weeps, yammers, yowlslanguishesregrets

eats one's heart out, tears one's hair

beams, cheers, crows, delights, exults, glories, joys, laughs, ravishes, rejoices, triumphsassures, cheers, comforts, commiserates, consoles, reassures, solaces, soothes, sympathizes





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