例句 |
hush-hushadjective not known or meant to be known by the general populacethe reporter suspected there was a hush-hush reason why the company agreed to the deal behind-the-scenes, confidential, esoteric, hushed, inside, intimate, nonpublic, private, privy, secret classified, restricted, top secretsilent, unadvertised, unannounced, undisclosed, unmentioned, unsaid, untoldclandestine, closet, collusive, conspiratorial, covertfurtive, hugger-mugger, occult, sneak, sneaking, sneaky, stealthy, surreptitious, undercover, underground, underhand, underhandedpersonalcloseted, concealed, hiddenrepressed, silenced, stifled, suppressedbackstage, offscreen, offstage common, open, public well-knownadvertised, aired, announced, blazed, broadcast, declared, disclosed, divulged, enunciated, heralded, proclaimed, professed, promulgated, publicized, published, reported, spotlightedgeneral, popular, prevailing, vulgarcurrent, prevalent, rife, widespreadcommunal, shared undertaken or done so as to escape being observed or known by otherstop-echelon diplomats met in a hush-hush conference in a last-ditch effort to head off an international crisis backstairs, behind-the-scenes, clandestine, covert, furtive, hole-and-corner, hugger-mugger, private, privy, secret, sneak, sneaking, sneaky, stealth, stealthy, surreptitious, undercover, underground, underhand, underhanded back-channel, closed-door, off-the-books, off-the-recordclassified, confidential, restricted, top secret, undisclosedconcealed, hidden, secreted, subterranean, unadvertised, unexposed open, overt, public acknowledged, avowedaboveboard, straightforward, unconcealed, undisguisedunclassified, unrestrictedclear, evident, manifest, obvious, patent, plain in 1916 |