例句 |
hutmentnoun a place where a group of people live for a short time in tents or cabinsthe arriving national guardsmen were forced to live in a hutment until permanent barracks could be constructed bivouac, camp, campground, campsite, encampment canvas(also canvass), tentagecolony, plantation, settlementHooverville, jungle, shantytownconcentration camp, prison campbarracks, cantonment, installation, laager(South African), leaguer, post a small, simply constructed, and often temporary dwellinga group of shabby hutments that had been erected to shelter the refugees cabin, camp, hooch(or hootch, slang), hovel, hut, hutch, shack, shanty lean-to, shedcot, cottage, lodgecabanabungalow, chalethogan, wickiup, wigwamtent in 1889 |