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falsehoodnoun a false idea or beliefthe possibility of a perpetual motion machine is one falsehood that has been disproved by modern physics delusion, error, fallacy, falsity, hallucination, illusion, misbelief, misconception, myth, old wives' tale, untruth factoidsuperstitionfiction, pretense(or pretence)distortion, inaccuracy, misapprehension, miscomprehension, misinterpretation, misjudgment, misperception, misunderstandingmisinformation, misknowledge, misreport, misrepresentation, misstatementsophism, sophistryfib, half-truth, lie, story, tale truth, verity a statement known by its maker to be untrue and made in order to deceiveseveral falsehoods in the witness's testimony that may be grounds for perjury fable, fabrication, fairy tale, falsity, fib, lie, mendacity, prevarication, story, tale, taradiddle(or tarradiddle), untruth, whopper distortion, exaggeration, half-truthambiguity, equivocation, obliquitydefamation, libel, slanderperjurybluff, fiction, pose, pretense(or pretence)humbug, jive, nonsensecanard, fallacy, misconception, mythfalsification, misinformation, misreport, misrepresentation, misstatementdeceit, deceitfulness, dishonesty, duplicity, fraudulence truth fact, truism, verityhonesty, truthfulness, veracityauthentication, confirmation, substantiation, validation, verification the quality or state of being falsescientists eventually demonstrated the falsehood of the claim that prehistoric fish did not evolve lungs and legs erroneousness, fallaciousness, fallacy, falseness, falsity, untruth speciousness, spuriousnessdeception, deceptiveness, delusioninaccuracy, incorrectnessdishonesty, mendaciousness, mendacity, untruthfulness truth, verity accuracy, actuality, correctness, factuality, factualness, genuinenesscredibility, honesty, trustworthiness, truthfulness, veracity the tendency to tell liesa cynic who believes that politics are a veritable fount of falsehood deceit, deceitfulness, dishonesty, mendaciousness, mendacity, untruthfulness artifice, craft, craftiness, crookedness, cunning, dissembling, dissimulation, double-dealing, duplicity, fakery, foxiness, guile, guilefulness, insincerity, trickishness, wilinessfalsenesshypocrisy honesty, integrity, probity, truthfulness, veraciousness, veracity, verity honor, incorruptibilitycandidness, candor, frankness, good faith, plainspokenness, sincerity, straightforwardnessdependability, reliability, reliableness, trustworthinessaccuracy, objectivityauthenticity, correctness, genuinenesscredibility in the 13th century |