例句 |
coterminousadjective existing or occurring at the same period of timethe Alfred Lunt-Lynn Fontanne partnership was more or less coterminous with Broadway's golden age coetaneous, coeval, coexistent, coexisting, coextensive, coincident, coincidental, concurrent, contemporaneous, contemporary, simultaneous, synchronic, synchronous accompanying, attendant, attending, concomitant, incident asynchronous, noncontemporary, nonsimultaneous, nonsynchronous occupying the same spaceMassachusetts' Nantucket County isn't quite coterminous with the island of the same name, as the county includes two small nearby islets coextensive, coincident, coinciding, conterminous allover, overlaying, superimposed, superposed, underlyingconjoining, crisscrossing, intersecting, overlappingcoaxial, concurrent, convergentcongruent, conjunctional nonconcurrent, noncongruent in 1799 |