例句 |
working inverbpresent participle of work in to put among or between othersI think that we can work in one more interview in the afternoon lineup edging in, fitting (in or into), injecting, inserting, insinuating, intercalating, interjecting, interpolating, interposing, interspersing, introducing, sandwiching (in or between) cutting in, inlaying, insetting, installinginterfiling, interlining, larding, weavingcramming, shoving, thrusting, wedgingadding, appending, attaching ejecting, eliminating, excluding, expelling, extracting, withdrawingdeducting, detaching, subtractingrejecting to introduce in a gradual, secret, or clever waymanaged to work in several references to baseball in his paper on the merits of teamwork infiltrating, insinuating, slipping, sneaking, winding, worming, wriggling creeping, edging, wigglinginserting, interpolating, interposing, introducing |