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avenuenoun a passage cleared for public vehicular travela city famous for its broad, tree-lined avenues arterial, artery, boulevard, carriageway(British), drag, drive, expressway, freeway, high road, highway, pass, pike, road, roadway, route, row, street, thoroughfare, thruway, trace, turnpike, way causewayautobahn, autoroute, autostrada, dual carriageway(chiefly British), interstate, motorway(chiefly British), superhighwaybeltway, bypass, parkway, ring road(chiefly British)corniche, switchbackthrough streethigh street(British), Main Streetbackstreet, branch, bystreet, byway, crossroad, secondary road, shunpike, side road, side streetalley, alleywaycircle, lane, laneway(British), mews(chiefly British), placeclose(chiefly British), cul-de-sac, dead endcorridortrack, trail an established course for traveling from one place to anotherthe two main avenues available to those joining in the California gold rush were the trail across the Southwest desert or the hazard-filled loop around Central and South America approach, passage, path, route, way bypath, byway, lane, laneway(British)artery, boulevard, bypass, drive, expressway, freeway, high road, highway, pass, passageway, pike, road, roadway, routeway(chiefly British), row, street, thoroughfare, turnpikewalk, walkwaytrace, track, trailairwaybikeway, cycleway(British)channel, gat, watercourse, waterwaydoor, doorway, gate, gateway, hatch, portal in 1600 |