例句 |
pitchyadjective being without light or without much lightwe stood staring into the pitchy dark forest, trying to determine what had made the strange cry black, caliginous, dark, darkened, darkish, darkling, darksome, dim, dimmed, dusk, dusky, gloomy, lightless, murky, obscure, obscured, pitch-black, pitch-dark, rayless, somber(or sombre), stygian, tenebrific, tenebrous, unlit crepuscular, twilitmoonless, starless, sunlesscloudy, dull, dulled, lacklustershadowlike, shadowy, shadygray(also grey), leaden, palebeclouded, befogged, clouded, foggy, fuliginous, misty, smoggy, soupy bright, brightened, brilliant, illuminated, illumined, light, lit(or lighted), lightsome, lucent, lucid, luminous ablaze, agleam, aglitter, alight, beaming, beamy, effulgent, glaring, glowing, incandescent, lambent, radiant, relucent, resplendent, shining, sparklingultrabrightglossy, lustrous, shinyfloodlit(also floodlighted), highlighted, spotlighted(or spotlit)moonlit, moony, starlit, sunlit having the color of soot or coalthe trigger-happy soldiers couldn't see a thing in the pitchy darkness black, ebony, pitch-black, pitch-dark, raven, sable dark, dusky, inkyblackish, brunet(or brunette) white bright, brilliant, light, pale, palish in the 15th century |