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ignorantadjective lacking in education or the knowledge gained from booksthey may be poor, ignorant farmers, but they are not stupid analphabetic, benighted, dark, illiterate, nonliterate, rude, simple, uneducated, uninstructed, unlearned, unlettered, unread, unschooled, untaught, untutored functionally illiterate, innumerate, semiliterate, unknowledgeableartless, lowbrow, philistine, uncultivated, unculturedcallow, green, inexperienced, innocent, naive(or naïve)unsophisticatedraw, unskilled, untrainedbrainless, dumb, idiotic(also idiotical), imbecile(or imbecilic), moronic, stupid, witlessfoolish, senseless, silly educated, knowledgeable, lettered, literate, schooled, well-informed, well-read brilliant, intelligent, smartexperienced, expert, trainederudite, learned, polyhistoric, polymath(or polymathic), scholarlycultivated, cultured, highbrow, intellectualsophisticatedacquainted, aware, familiar not informed about or aware of somethinghe was ignorant of their wedding plans clueless, incognizant, innocent, insensible, nescient, oblivious, unacquainted, unaware, unconscious, uninformed, unknowing, unmindful, unwitting uneducated, unschooled, untaughtabsent, absentminded, abstracted, heedless, inattentive, inconscient in the dark acquainted, aware, cognizant, conscious, conversant, grounded, informed, knowing, mindful, witting au courant, hip, plugged-in, up-to-dateeducated, knowledgeable, schooled, taughtheedful, observantsensitive, sentient ignorant, illiterate, unlettered, untutored, unlearned mean not having knowledge.ignorant may imply a general condition or it may apply to lack of knowledge or awareness of a particular thing.an ignorant fool ignorant of nuclear physics illiterate applies to either an absolute or a relative inability to read and write.much of the population is still illiterate unlettered implies ignorance of the knowledge gained by reading.an allusion meaningless to the unlettered untutored may imply lack of schooling in the arts and ways of civilization.strange monuments built by an untutored people unlearned suggests ignorance of advanced subjects.poetry not for academics but for the unlearned masses in the 14th century |