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illegitimateadjective born to a father and mother who are not marrieddespite being illegitimate, Alexander Hamilton rose to greatness contrary to or forbidden by lawan illegitimate use of campaign contributions for personal expenses criminal, felonious, illegal, illicit, lawless, unlawful, wrongful bad, evil, immoral, shameful, sinful, unethical, wicked, wrongblamable, blameworthy, censurable, reprehensiblebanned, barred, contraband, criminalized, disallowed, discouraged, forbidden, interdicted, outlawed, prohibited, proscribedadulterine, bootleg, unauthorized, unlicensed, unsanctionedunder-the-counter, under-the-tablecorrupt, unprincipled, unscrupulous, villainous lawful, legal, legitimate ethical, good, just, principled, right, righteous, virtuousallowed, permittedauthorized, licensedapproved, endorsed(also indorsed), sanctionedabetted, encouraged, promoted, suggested, supportedcorrect, decent, decorous, proper, seemly not using or following good reasoningmade several illegitimate inferences fallacious, illogical, inconsequent, inconsequential, invalid, irrational, nonrational, unreasonable, unreasoning, unsound, weak eristic(also eristical), misleading, sophistic(or sophistical), specioushalf-baked, ill-advised, misguided, unconsidered, unreasonedinconsistentabsurd, asinine, foolish, meaningless, nonsensical, preposterous, reasonless, senseless, sillyKafkaesque, odd, peculiar, strange, surreal, unusual, weirdinsane, mad, nutty, wacky(also whacky)disordered, disorganized, rambling, randomunconvincinginexplicable, unaccountable, unexplainable logical, rational, reasonable, sound, valid, well-founded, well-grounded commonsense, sane, sensible, sober, wiseenlightened, informed, just, justified, reasonedordered, organizedclear, cogent, compelling, convincing, credible, persuasive, plausible, satisfying, solidcertain, sure, trueconfirmed, corroborated, demonstrated, established, substantiated, validated in 1536 |