例句 |
illogicaladjective not using or following good reasoningthe illogical claim that playing basketball makes people taller because one sees so many tall players illogical people are likely to believe every sensational claim made on TV fallacious, illegitimate, inconsequent, inconsequential, invalid, irrational, nonrational, unreasonable, unreasoning, unsound, weak eristic(also eristical), misleading, sophistic(or sophistical), specioushalf-baked, ill-advised, misguided, unconsidered, unreasonedinconsistentabsurd, asinine, foolish, meaningless, nonsensical, preposterous, reasonless, senseless, sillyKafkaesque, odd, peculiar, strange, surreal, unusual, weirdinsane, mad, nutty, wacky(also whacky)disordered, disorganized, rambling, randomunconvincinginexplicable, unaccountable, unexplainable logical, rational, reasonable, sound, valid, well-founded, well-grounded commonsense, sane, sensible, sober, wiseenlightened, informed, just, justified, reasonedordered, organizedclear, cogent, compelling, convincing, credible, persuasive, plausible, satisfying, solidcertain, sure, trueconfirmed, corroborated, demonstrated, established, substantiated, validated in 1588 |