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illumineverb to supply with lightsmall table lamps illumine the inn's dining room in a most romantic way bathe, beacon, emblaze, illume, illuminate, irradiate, light, lighten brightenbeam, beat (down), radiate, shineenhalo, halofloodlighthighlight, spotlightblaze, burn, fire, flame, glare, glow, ignite, incinerate, kindlebedazzle, blind, daze, dazzlegleam, glisten, glitter blacken, darken, obfuscate dim, dull, obscurecover, shroud, veildouse(also dowse), extinguish, put out, quench, snuff (out) to provide (someone) with moral or spiritual understandingreaders of great literature are both entertained and illumined edify, educate, enlighten, illume, illuminate, inspire, nurture elevate, ennoble, enrich, ensoul, lift, upliftbetter, improve, regenerate, renew, transformexalt, glorify, transfigure confuse, perplex, puzzlebecloud, cloud, darken, obscure in the 14th century |