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avowverb to state as a fact usually forcefullyavowed that the colonization of Mars in our lifetime is not only possible but probable affirm, allege, assert, aver, avouch, claim, contend, declare, insist, maintain, profess, protest, purport, warrant announce, broadcast, proclaimargue, rationalize, reasonconfirm, justify, vindicatedefend, persevere, support, upholdreaffirm, reassert put forth deny, gainsay abandondisavow, disclaim, disown, negate, negative, reject, repudiatechallenge, dispute, questionconfute, disprove, rebut, refutecontradict, counter to state clearly and stronglyavowed their undying love for each other affirm, assert, aver, avouch, declare, guarantee, lay down, profess advance, advertise, boost, plug, promote, publicizeannounce, blaze, call, proclaim, pronounce, sayaccent, accentuate, emphasize, stress, underline, underscoreadvocate, champion, defend, espouse, support, upholdassure, convince, persuadeexplain, justify, rationalizereaffirm, reassert minimize, understatedisregard, ignore, neglect, overlook acknowledge, admit, own, avow, confess mean to disclose against one's will or inclination.acknowledge implies the disclosing of something that has been or might be concealed.acknowledged an earlier peccadillo admit implies reluctance to disclose, grant, or concede and refers usually to facts rather than their implications.admitted the project was over budget own implies acknowledging something in close relation to oneself.must own I know little about computers avow implies boldly declaring, often in the face of hostility, what one might be expected to be silent about.avowed that he was a revolutionary confess may apply to an admission of a weakness, failure, omission, or guilt.confessed a weakness for sweets in the 13th century |