例句 |
wranglesnounpl. of wrangle an often noisy or angry expression of differing opinionsthere was a bit of a wrangle over how much money to give the high school for its sports programs altercations, argle-bargles(chiefly British), arguments, argy-bargies(chiefly British), battles royal(or battle royals or battles royale or battle royales), bickers, brawls, contretemps, controversies, cross fires, disagreements, disputes, donnybrooks, fallings-out(or falling-outs), fights, hassles, imbroglios, kickups, misunderstandings, quarrels, rhubarbs, rows, scraps, set-tos, spats, squabbles, tiffs clashes, run-ins, skirmishes, tangles, tussleslogomachiesfeuds, vendettasattacks, contentions, dissensions(also dissentions)debates, differences, disputationsfusses, objections, protestations, protestsaffrays(chiefly British), fisticuffs, fracases(or British fracas), frays, free-for-alls, melees(also mêlées)catfights wranglesverbpresent tense third-person singular of wrangleto express different opinions about something often angrilya town meeting at which local residents wrangled for hours about property taxes altercates, argues, argufies, bickers, brabbles, brawls, controverts, disputes, falls out, fights, hassles, jars, quarrels, quibbles, rows, scraps, spats, squabbles, tiffs challenges, dares, defiesclashes, contends, contests, tanglescavils, fusses, nitpicksconsiders, debates, discusseskicks, objects, protests bandies words, butts heads, locks horns, mixes it up coexists, gets alongaccepts, agrees, assents, concurs, consents |