例句 |
wrappedverbpast tense of wrap to encircle or bind with or as if with a beltwrapped her waist with a colorful silk sash banded, begirt(also begirded), belted, engirded(archaic), engirdled, enwound, girded(or girt), girdled, girted, girthed tied up, trussedcircled, enwreathed, looped, wound(also winded), wreathedbandaged, enswathed, swathedchained, corded, enchained, lashed, roped, shackled, taped, wired ungirded, unwrapped unbound, unlashed, unshackled, untied, unwound to surround or cover closelya sinister darkness seemed to wrap the lonely cabin bosomed, bowered, circumfused, cocooned, embosomed, embowered, embraced, enclosed(also inclosed), encompassed, enfolded, enshrouded, enswathed, enveloped, enwrapped, invested, involved, lapped, mantled, muffled, shrouded, swathed, veiled curtained, drapedembedded(also imbedded), encasedswaddledblanketed, overlaid, overspreadcamouflaged, cloaked, disguised, maskedcircled, encircled, enlaced, enwound bared, denuded, exposed, stripped(also stript) |