例句 |
wreckagesnounpl. of wreckage the state or fact of being rendered nonexistent, physically unsound, or uselessthe wreckage of those ancient statues represents a great loss to the art world annihilations, decimations, demolishments, demolitions, desolations, destructions, devastations, exterminations, extinctions, havoc, losses, mincemeats, obliterations, ruinations, ruins, wastages depredations, despoilments, despoliationsbreakups, collapses, disintegrations, dissolutionsassassinations, executions, killings, massacres, slaughtersdismantlements, effacements, eradications buildings, constructions, erections rescues, salvages, salvations, savingsconservations, preservations, protectionsreclamations, reconstructions, re-creations, refurbishments, regeneracies, renovations, restorations |