例句 |
avowsverbpresent tense third-person singular of avow to state as a fact usually forcefullyavowed that the colonization of Mars in our lifetime is not only possible but probable affirms, alleges, asserts, avers, avouches, claims, contends, declares, insists, maintains, professes, protests, purports, warrants announces, broadcasts, proclaimsargues, rationalizes, reasonsconfirms, justifies, vindicatesdefends, perseveres, supports, upholdsreaffirms, reasserts puts forth denies, gainsays abandonsdisavows, disclaims, disowns, negates, negatives, rejects, repudiateschallenges, disputes, questionsconfutes, disproves, rebuts, refutescontradicts, counters to state clearly and stronglyavowed their undying love for each other affirms, asserts, avers, avouches, declares, guarantees, lays down, professes advances, advertises, boosts, plugs, promotes, publicizesannounces, blazes, calls, proclaims, pronounces, saysaccents, accentuates, emphasizes, stresses, underlines, underscoresadvocates, champions, defends, espouses, supports, upholdsassures, convinces, persuadesexplains, justifies, rationalizesreaffirms, reasserts minimizes, understatesdisregards, ignores, neglects, overlooks |