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awardnoun something given in recognition of achievementFaye received the highest award in the 16 and under category for her poem accolade, blue ribbon, decoration, distinction, honor, kudo, plume, premium, prize badge, crown, cup, laurel, medal, order, plaque, plate, ribbon, trophyapplause, bravo, encomium, eulogy, hallelujah, homage, paean, panegyric, plaudit, tributecitation, commendation, compliment, honorable mention a position arrived at after considerationin their award the board of arbitrators declared that both writers deserved screen credit for their contributions to the final screenplay call, conclusion, decision, deliverance, determination, diagnosis, judgment(or judgement), opinion, resolution, verdict behest, charge, commandment, decree, dictate, directive, edict, instruction, mandate, order, wordlast word, say-soadjudication, disposition, doom, finding, ruling, sentencechoice, option, selectionconsensusbelief, conviction, eye, feeling, mind, notion, persuasion, sentiment, view deadlock, draw, halt, stalemate, standoff, tie awardverbto give something as a token of gratitude or admiration for a service or achievementwe will award the top three contestants in the essay competition reward cite, decorate, honor, remembercompensate, pay, recompense, requitereimburse, repayacclaim, applaud, commend, compliment, hail, praise, salute to give the ownership or benefit of (something) formally or publiclycustody of the boy was awarded to the grandparents accord, confer, grant, vest bestow, contribute, donate, give, present, showfurnish, provide, supplyextend, offer, profferallocate, appropriate, assignappoint, designate, dub, fix, name, set abort, call, call off, drop, recall, repeal, rescind, revokeabrogate, annul, invalidate, nullify, void, write offrecant, retract, take back, withdraw v.grant, concede, vouchsafe, accord, award mean to give as a favor or a right.grant implies giving to a claimant or petitioner something that could be withheld.granted them a new hearing concede implies yielding something reluctantly in response to a rightful or compelling claim.even her critics concede she can be charming vouchsafe implies granting something as a courtesy or an act of gracious condescension.vouchsafed the secret to only a few chosen disciples accord implies giving to another what is due or proper.accorded all the honors befitting a head of state award implies giving what is deserved or merited usually after a careful weighing of pertinent factors.awarded the company a huge defense contract in the 13th century |