例句 |
covetousnessnoun a painful awareness of another's possessions or advantages and a desire to have them toohis covetousness for his neighbors' things spoils any enjoyment he might have of his own possessions enviousness, envy, green-eyed monster, invidiousness, jealousy, resentment animosity, enmity, hatred, ill willmalice, maliciousness, spitefulness benevolence, goodwill, kindness, sympathy an intense selfish desire for wealth or possessionsan insatiable covetousness made her work long hours so that she could afford expensive things acquisitiveness, avarice, avariciousness, avidity, avidness, cupidity, graspingness, greed, greediness, mercenariness, rapaciousness, rapacity commercialism, materialism, possessivenessgluttonousness, gluttony, piggishnessappetite, craving, desire, drive, hankering, hunger, itch, longing, lust, passion, pining, ravenousness, thirst, voracity, yearning, yenegoism, egotism, self-centeredness, self-interest, selfishness, self-regard contentment, fulfillment(or fulfilment), gratification, satisfactionbounteousness, bountifulness, bounty, charity, generosity, generousness, largesse(also largess), liberality, magnanimity, openhandedness, openheartedness, unselfishnessaltruism, selflessness |