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spunknoun the strength of mind that enables a person to endure pain or hardshiphad the spunk to overcome a severe physical disability backbone, constancy, fiber, fortitude, grit, grittiness, guts, intestinal fortitude, pluck determination, purposefulness, resoluteness, resolutionbravery, courage, courageousness, daring, dauntlessness, doughtiness, fearlessness, gallantry, greatheartedness, intrepidity, intrepidness, nerve, stoutness, valorendurance, forbearance, stamina, sufferance, toleranceheart, mettle, spiritaudacity, boldness, brass, cheek, chutzpah(also chutzpa or hutzpah or hutzpa), effrontery, gall, hardihood, nerve, nerviness, temerity spinelessness indecisiveness, irresoluteness, irresolution, vacillationcowardice, cowardliness, cravenness, dastardliness, faintheartedness, pusillanimity, timidity, timorousness in 1582 |