例句 |
crazesnounpl. of craze a practice or interest that is very popular for a short timeif history is any guide, this latest diet for losing weight is just another craze buzzes, chics, dernier cris, enthusiasms, fads, fashions, flavors, hot tickets, last words, modes, rages, sensations, styles, tons, trends, vogues nine days' wonders(also nine day wonders)new wavescrushes, infatuationsfervors, passionsfurors, fusses, hullabaloos, to-dos, uproarsbandwagons, crusades, cults, movementsnovelties, wrinklescaprices, fancies, whims classics, standards crazesverbpresent tense third-person singular of crazeto cause to go insane or as if insanehorses crazed by the barn fire kicked out their stall doors as they tried to escape cracks, deranges, frenzies, locos, maddens, unbalances, unhinges, unstrings agitates, bothers, confuses, discomposes, disquiets, distracts, disturbs, perturbs, unsettles, upsetsannoys, irritates, vexes calms, quiets, relaxes, settles, soothes, tranquilizes(also tranquillizes) |